Project Gaia

The 2021 edition of ValueLabs Design Inspire Conference was themed around the phrase Regenerate & Evolve. Like last year, we wanted to create the generative identity patterns for our participants and the theme called out for it nevertheless. Our team wanted to pick natural phenomena as a concept to visualize the generative patterns and this gave us a chance to explore both organic and geometrical renders. In the sections below, I discuss the ideation process for the same, our iterations through multiple concepts, and our final choice.


Our ideation process started with collecting inspirations around the theme in the natural and digital world. We created an online mood-board to sync our progress for that. We explored concepts around botanical shapes that were created using algorithms like L-systems, space colonization, photographs of natural terrains, mathematical patterns originating in nature, nebulas shapes, aerial shots of farming patterns, etc. In parallel, we also kept a constraint in our minds that these shapes should support the possibility of being represented under a common visual language so that its multiple permutations were possible.

Evidently, there were multiple ideas emerging from the mood board shown above. Initially, we tried to experiment with botanical forms, understand what parameters were required to create such forms and how would they connect with our theme. An 800 px by 800 px canvas was the area we gave ourselves to play with. Once the canvas graphics had been programmed and reviewed, the design of the collaterals would commence.

Our first area of interest was depicting root growth algorithmically. For that, we used the Space Colonisation algorithm. The algorithm distributes a growth hormone in a 2D space and allows plant seeds to evolve and consume them in order to create roots along their traced paths. One has control over the fill ratio of the hormones, and the number and positions of the seeds (see animation). This algorithm is also applicable in a 3D space. The following images shared below showcase different emergent patterns in the Root series where a random distribution of hormones and seeds with varying ratios and seed numbers (in a 100px margin) can be seen.

Many issues were made clear in the visualization of the Roots series. The collaterals that we had to present were static in nature and the uniqueness of a particular instance was found to be in its growth animation than in its final form. Hence, we had to chuck this algorithm out of play as all generated patterns looked the same in the end. But before doing that we did experiment with a different setting: single seed, decreasing stroke weight, and radial hormonal distribution. This setting rendered images that we later called the Bloom series.

Similar issues of replicable uniqueness seemed less likely in the Bloom series with fewer controllable parameters - even lower than the previous series. At some point, we figured out that we couldn’t afford to render asymmetrical forms for two major reasons: Firstly, organic forms did not guarantee a distinct impression (which is the basic purpose of collateral like an ID card), and secondly, they were harder to frame within the collateral margins. We picked the idea of indigenous art forms and created these kaleidoscopic colour marking visualisations (see below) which were both distinct and symmetrically aligned. But even though they turned out to be aesthetically pleasing, we felt like this did not connect with our theme and broad visual language completely.



Eventually, we stumbled upon the concept of Gaia. The idea of a mother goddess depicting the planet Earth and its constant change through and on human action, resonated with us. Its curvilinear form influenced our visual style and settled for a grid-like depiction of energy that flows from and into all corners of the canvas. Hence, the following concept note and visualisations were formulated.


The concept presented here is eponymous to GAIA, the mythical goddess of Earth, one of the elemental deities born at the dawn of creation. She represents the driving force that nurtures life through the interaction of both living and non-living beings. This legend has been interpreted as a very unique and intriguing phenomenon by historians and philosophers for ages. 

Based on these interpretations, we affirm that however unique, every entity on this planet is a manifestation of the same continuous process of regeneration and evolution with time. This concept is most visible in the Anthropocene era; humans have changed Earth in unprecedented ways and are now beginning to experience the effects of these changes upon themselves.

This essence was translated into the underlying concept of our artworks; random parameters that share the same visual elements and use participant profiles to generate a unique pattern for each participant of the Design Inspire 2021 Conference. They denote that although quite different from one another, we are all connected in spirit and possess the capability to change ourselves and our planet for the better or worse.


Upon studying the variety of ways in which ‘energy patterns’ are depicted in the natural world and by artists, ‘feedback forms’ became quite evident from the beginning. We tried out these concepts in our algorithm and the results were ‘hypnotically stunning’! We successfully got these patterns reviewed and designed our collaterals around them. Here is also the link to the Github page of the collaterals for the Design Inspire 2021 Conference.

In the final form of the visualisation for ID cards, we gave more space to the Gaia pattern and shifted the information to the back of the card. Each type of persona had a different colour combination mapped to them. The program dynamically created a unique identifier code for each participant and they could search their personalised collaterals on the official conference page using their email address. The one shown below is for a Design Professional (the most common one among them).

The personas are: Design Professional: Thoughtful. Original. Creative, Researcher: Empathetic. Observer. Analyst, Student: Inquisitive. Thoughtful. Experimental, Entrepreneurs: Seekers. Passionate. Determined, Freelancers: Independent. Active. Bold, Others: Explorers. Creative. Experimental.

I would like to thank Kadambari Sahu for giving us the opportunity to take up this project. Dynamic branding is still a new concept in the industry and ValueLabs UXG has been doing this for two years now. But most of all I want to thank my team members, Paran Phukan, Ishwari Bakshi, Suryansh Shrivastav & Parit Sharma for their efforts in making this project a reality.

Let us know what you think of the project and your favourite visualisation in the comments👇🏼